Testing & Diagnostics Department


Testing & Diagnostics Department

– Helps you understand what your infertility issues are
– Assesses if any additional fertility tests are necessary
– Helps you understand what your ovarian reserve status is, and what the implications are
– Evaluates your current fertility treatment plan
– Helps you set realistic goals and expectations
– Proposes a fertility treatment plan that best suits your ovarian reserve status

Meet Our Doctors

Here at our Testing & Diagnostics Dept. we’re dedicated to assessing the state of your reproductive health in the fastest and most precise manner! In short, this is the first department of them all that you’re going to visit at our clinic, even if you’ve already checked your reproductive health elsewhere before!

Dean Thomas

Reproduction Specialist

Dr. Thomas was born in Vienna, Austria, where originally began his medical studies at the Vienna University Medical

Jerry McStanton

Reproduction Specialist

Immediately following his graduation, Dr. McStanton was appointed to the medical school faculty of Mount Sinai School of

Lewis Parole

Reproduction Specialist

Lewis Parole has penned hundreds of highly acclaimed scientific papers, abstract articles and book chapter, all focusing on

Treatment Plans

Each specific case is different in its own way, but our plans vary as well! Here’s the list of the most popular services that our plastic surgery department offers:

  • DHEA & Fertility $155
  • Egg Donation Program $145
  • Embryo Donation $135
  • FET $125
  • ICSI $115
  • IUI $105
  • IVF $100
  • Male Infertility Treatments $155
  • Egg Freezing & Fertility Preservation $145
  • PGD $135
  • Gender Selection $125
  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) $115
  • Hysterosonograms (HSN) $105
  • Tubal Perfusion Pressure (TPP) $100