The cost for the Consultation is regularly $150.
Only $25 deposit will hold your appointment
Deposit is non-refundable for no-shows.
A Big Problem
Are You Serious About Losing Weight?
You can virtually melt away your FAT without strenuous dieting or excessive exercising. This is the best weight loss secret to come along in years – when you’re talking about FAST EFFECTIVE weight loss.
What were your goals at the beginning of the year? Have you met your goals? Are you moving in the right direction? Is it hard to stay on track? Losing “stubborn fat” is hard and as you get older — it just gets harder and harder. You might go to the gym five days a week, sweat on the treadmill for an hour, and see maybe a pound or two drop in a month. Is that really worth your time?
Hold On!!!
You might be afraid the “solution” will be worse than the problem, but let me assure you, it’s not! When you schedule an appointment you’re going to receive something that NOT only helps you lose weight, but also helps your appearance, your face, your complexion and even your body structure. Listen, I am a regular practicing doctor in Huntington, and I love helping people, just like you, lose that stubborn weight, without rigorous dieting, and then how to keep it off – permanently.
Safe & Easy!
My exclusive weight loss management system is completely SAFE and has been proven to work. It is based on scientific principles that cause almost immediate changes and is strictly administered along common sense protocols.
Here’s what most people don’t understand. When you’re heavy, you lose your strength, vitality, and you can become feeble. And on top of that you can age prematurely because your “fat” cells clog your body’s vital organs. That will change after you start utilizing this system. You may be like some people who have lost their figure due to this FAT clogging weight gain.The problem is, most overweight people are unable to find a simple, easy to follow system to reduce their fat and then keep it off. Even their coordination, daily movement and attractiveness are destroyed with this weight gain. That will all change when you start using this system.
Here Is What I Can Do For You
Here is what I can do for you. CALL the office NOW!. You won’t have to make any radical changes in your lifestyle with this program, … have surgery, or take any harmful drugs. Your treatments are private and you will start to lose up to 1-2 pounds per day, depending on your size, age, condition of your body and follow through. You will consult with me personally for follow up and questions. Once you’ve reached your desired weight, you’ll have your shape back, have more energy, and you’ll have your self-esteem back. Doesn’t get any better than that!!

CALL (800) 756-4144 TODAY!
Dr. Michael Posner, D.C. and Lois Posner, RN, LMT
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